Registration Process

Registration Process

Registration Process at 27th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran

* Domestic participants (participants from Iran) must refer to the Persian website for registration.

Please read the following information on registration process before proceeding to register for the conference. The registration fees are listed in the following table. Note that for each accepted paper at least one registration is required.

English Papers Registration
Early Bid
(Before February 14, 2022)
(After February14, 2022)
IEEE/CSI Members * 190 $ 200 $
Others * 240 $ 250 $

Also Note That:

  • Your registration must be received by December 1st, 2021 to ensure your paper(s) being included in the conference proceedings.

  • No refunds will be made, irrespective of cancellation reason.

Currency account:

Bank Name:
Tejarat Bank
Account No.:
Taleghani Branch- Currency Unit

* Note that, currency account is only for foreign participants who are not able to register online.