Energy-Efficient Algorithms for Data Retrieval from Indexed Parallel Broadcast Channels
Professor Ali Hurson
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Abstract. Constraints on the energy, bandwidth, and connectivity of mobile devices complicate the timely and reliable access to public data. Energy is often the most stringent constraint, necessitating techniques that facilitate operation in energy-saving modes. Broadcasting, typically over parallel channels, has proven to be an effective method for dissemination of public data to mobile devices. However, the employment of parallel channels introduces challenges associated with channel switches and conflicts due to the concurrent accesses to multiple data items that ultimately increase energy consumption and response time. The detrimental effects on energy consumption and response time can be alleviated by scheduling the retrieval of data items in an order that reduces the number of passes over the air channels and channel switches between the parallel channels. This research, proposes several scheduling algorithms that achieve the aforementioned objectives. To further improve energy consumption and response time, the scope of our scheduling algorithms has been enhanced by replication of popular data items. The proposed scheduling presented and analyzed. These results show that the proposed scheduling algorithms, compared to some heuristic based methods, have greater impact in reducing the energy consumption and response time. This reduction is shown to be more pronounced with replication of data items.
Short Bio. A. R. Hurson is a professor of departments of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri S&T. For the period of 2008-2012 he served as the computer science department chair. Before joining Missouri S&T, he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering department at The Pennsylvania State University. His research for the past 30 years has been supported by NSF, DARPA, Department of Education, Air Force, Office of Naval Research, NCR Corp., General Electric, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Penn State University, and Missouri S & T. He has published over 300 technical papers in areas including database systems, multidatabases, global information sharing processing, application of mobile agent technology, object oriented databases, Mobile and pervasive computing, computer architecture and cache memory, parallel and distributed processing, dataflow architectures, and VLSI algorithms. Professor Hurson has been active in various IEEE/ACM Conferences and has given tutorials on global information sharing, database management systems, supercomputer technology, data/knowledge-based systems, dataflow processing, scheduling and load balancing, parallel computing, and Pervasive computing. Currently, he is serving as an ACM distinguish lecturer, Editor-in-Chief of Advances in computers, editor of The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, and editor of Computing Journal.
Time: 14:30-15:30, Wednesday, 6th Khordad 1394
Place: Kharazmi Hall, Level 4, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology