انجمن کامپیوتر ایران

برای عضویت کلیک کنید

مشاهده‌ مشخصات مقاله

Inspiration By Predator-Prey Interaction for Congestion Control In Communication Networks

Morteza Analoui, Shahram Jamali

نویسنده (ها)

دوازدهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران

مربوط به کنفرانس

We believe that future network applications will benefit by adopting key biological principles and mechanisms. This paper is a successful attempt in order to design a congestion control mechanism. This attempt is based on predator-prey mathematical model. We show that interaction of those Internet entities that involved in congestion control mechanisms is similar to predator-prey interaction. This similarity motivates us to map the predator-prey approach to the Internet congestion control mechanism and design a bio-inspired congestion control scheme. The results show that using appropriately defined parameters, this model leads to a stable, fair and high performance congestion control algorithm.


برای اعضای سایت : ۱٠٠,٠٠٠ ریال
برای دانشجویان عضو انجمن : ۲٠,٠٠٠ ریال
برای اعضای عادی انجمن : ۴٠,٠٠٠ ریال
