مشاهده مشخصات مقاله
Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Stability-Guaranteed Embedded Control Systems
Authors |
Alireza Salami Abyaneh
Mehdi Kargahi
Conference |
سمپوزیوم سیستمها و فنآوریهای بیدرنگ و نهفته RTEST 2015 |
Abstract |
Stability, which is heavily dependent on the controllerdelays, is the main measure of performance in embeddedcontrol systems. With the increased demand for resources insuch systems, energy consumption has been converted to animportant issue, especially in systems with limited energy sourceslike batteries. Accordingly, in addition to the traditional temporalrequirements in these systems, stability and economic energyusage are further demands for the design of embedded controlsystems. For the latter demand, dynamic voltage and frequencyscaling (DVFS) is too usual, however, as this technique increasesthe controller delay and jitter, it may negatively impact thesystem stability. This paper addresses the problem of controltask priority assignment as well as task-specific processor voltage/frequency assignment such that the stability be guaranteedand the energy consumption be reduced. The proposed ideaconsiders the task execution-time variability and increases theprocessor frequency only when the task execution-time exceedssome threshold. Experimental results show energy-efficiency ofthe proposed method for embedded control systems. |
قیمت |
برای اعضای سایت : 100,000 Rial
برای دانشجویان عضو انجمن : 20,000 Rial
برای اعضای عادی انجمن : 40,000 Rial
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